At the MWC show in Barcelona Zopo company unveiled its new smartphone called Speed 8. A key feature of the new items was the processor MediaTek Helio X20, which should provide a high-performance device. However, in reality everything was a little different. In the Geekbench test new smartphone Zopo able to score only 76 266 points. This is slightly lower than the results of smartphones that run on slower processors.
In fact desyatiyaderny processor MediaTek was worse than the six-core Snapdragon 650. Last scored in Geekbench 78,929 points. It is noteworthy that Helio X20 already held a series of preliminary tests, and then the result was 85,632 points.
Experts believe that in terms of the difference is related to the optimization. Since Speed 8 is the first smartphone built on the basis of the new chip, its work is not yet fully optimized. In the future the situation will change, and smartphones Helio X20 will show better results in benchmarks.
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