Samsung Electronics has introduced a new line of curved displays, which includes 27-inch CF591 and CF390, presented in versions with 23- and 27-inch screen. New items are suitable for multimedia entertainment, including computer games, as well as for professional work on multiple tasks simultaneously. Models CF591 and CF390 displays have a radius of curvature of 1800 mm, which is
"Today's consumers are looking for more comfort and a breathtaking visual experience for work tasks, as well as for entertainment and curved monitors offer a completely new level of quality. The new Samsung curved monitors provide maximum comfort and a bright viewing experience in all environments" - said senior vice president of visual display business at Samsung Electronics, Kim Song-gi.
Special mode Eye Saver Mode includes a number of settings, further protecting the eyes from exposure to audiences of harmful radiation in the blue part of the spectrum. Especially for fans of computer games and other home entertainment all the monitors have built-in AMD FreeSync technology via HDMI, the screen refresh rate synchronization with AMD custom graphics that can reduce the delay of the input signal and "lag" when viewing interactive video content.
The new models are almost three times better than the standard alternative in terms of static contrast (3000: 1), the maximum quality passing detail in dark scenes and scenes with bright lighting. All three new curved display technology supports vertical alignment Vertical Alignment (VA), reducing uneven illumination and contributing to a more holistic picture. To improve the granularity used to monitor CF591 Active Color Crystal Technology supporting 119% sRGB color space. This allows the model to display a wider range of colors compared to conventional monitors.
For gamers provided Game Mode Mode, which automatically adjusts settings for the best set of display light or dark scenes, depending on the scenario of the game, while reducing latency. This advantage, combined with a small radius of curvature of the monitor gives gamers a feeling that the image surrounds them. CF591 Model received an award in the field of productivity, safety and quality by the independent Underwriters Laboratories Agency, which has conducted a comprehensive test design, precision display of colors and viewing angles.
Curved displays Samsung CF591 and CF390 have a thin frame, which eliminates interference when viewed at any angle and allows the audience a sense of immersion in what is happening on the screen. The sleek design of the front panel creates the illusion that the image is floating in the air. CF591 has a front monitor trim color silver metallic and white glossy rear, emphasizing the curved geometry.
CF591 model is equipped with built-in speakers power of 5 watts, which makes it possible not to clutter the table cables and external speakers. All three models can be easily connected and provide for personal computers and game consoles via Integrated HDMI, D-Sub and Display Port (to CF591 model).
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