At the developer conference, which took place in the past year, Microsoft has shared plans for the project The Astoria , the aim of which was to create special tools for porting applications on Android-Windows 10. Project Astoria was presented with the projectIslandwood , which offers developers iOS-app Instruments for the transfer of their programs on Windows 10. Now, the company said that the Astoria will not be realized.
We have obtained a lot of reports that the two Bridge-technology is not needed. We are very long studied the messages and think over them and, in the end, we decided to focus our attention on the Windows for Bridge of iOS, which will be the only Bridge-option that is available for the transfer of mobile code on all Windows 10 devices, including the Xbox and PC. For those developers who have already spent time exploring the Android Bridge, we strongly recommend that you look at the iOS Bridge and Xamarin.
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