At the upcoming international exhibition Electronics Show CES 2016, which will be held next week, Samsung is going to present their latest developments created in a secret laboratory Creative Lab. In this laboratory, the company has collected 350 of the best engineers of Western companies and gave them free rein to creative ideas and innovations. At the upcoming conference, Samsung introduced three interesting project.
The first of the three projects will be "intelligent" belt Welt. Smart belt will help the owner monitor the waist, performing the functions of the classic fitness trackers: counting steps, giving signals of a protracted sitting and letting the user to do exercises.
The second project - a controller Rink for virtual reality devices. Sensor-based motion capture, Rink is designed for use in games and virtual simulation. Designers of the new controller decided to make it as small "windings" hand, instead of the usual "gloves."
Watchband TipTalk - this is the most unusual project that the South Korean company will present to the public. The strap is compatible with any smart clock by Samsung (eg Gear S2) and is designed not only to hold the accessory on the wrist. As planned by the developers, this belt will allow to listen to music or take calls without headphones - the user only has to bring a finger to his ear.
The networks are also rumors about other unusual projects of the company, such as leveling posture insoles or special gadget that teaches the user to play the violin. The principle of operation of any of the devices have not yet been disclosed. All details Samsung will announce at CES 2016.
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